Averill at the Autumn Equinox

Sunset at the Equinox

Our fall trip to Averill Lake to close the cottage and assess the damage from Hurricane Irene was delayed this year; we waited until we were sure the roads were going to be passable, a good thing as we learned when we arrived at the lake that the rain had washed out many of the culverts along our road and they had just been repaired.  The lake level was far up from our last visit, the result of over 5 inches of rain from the storm and the runoff from the surrounding hills.
Canoe Damage
We were glad the weather cleared for us to take a sunset photo at the Autumnal Equinox, something we have wanted to do for some time.  We had lovely warm weather for the job of bring in the docks and pulling the water lines; we were very grateful for that.  The only damage from the storm was to our almost new “Vermont Canoe” canoe.  A huge branch dropped down from a tree that split in half. Repair to the canoe may take a while, as the Vermont Canoe Company is located along the Mad River in Waitsfield, VT where there has been a lot of flooding.
Autumn color is not yet at peak along the Canadian border, but color is quickly developing in the Maples.  We saw three mallards along the shore and six loons swimming on the lake during the day.
Fall color on Averill Mountain
                                                                                     The rest of the photos show the docks pulled in for the winter and the wild apple trees loaded with fruit. We collected almost a bushel of drops that we’ll use for apple crisp and freeze in pie sized bags for the winter.
Docks in for the winter
Roadside apples
Mallards along the shore
Apples for pie and apple crisp